📣 Dual product launch: Better Excel Automation and Better PDF Automation are out for Jira Cloud! (both are free!)

Bringing new PDF reports to Jira Cloud

Better PDF Exporter for Jira Cloud is now generally available on the Atlassian Marketplace!

It brought more to Cloud than simply the same features of the Server and Data Center versions. When building this new app, we turned to the feature requests and listened to customers about their most immediate needs. Their comments helped us understand what additional export and report option are needed in Better PDF Exporter.

Here we break down the improved Jira to PDF export options, that are available for cloud as of now.

Jira issue Time in Status report

"How can I track how much time an issue spent in a given status?"

About 200 times per month, Jira users turn to Google to find answers to this question. It’s a basic reporting requirement for teams who try to understand their issue cycle times and bottlenecks for their various projects. There are a number of apps currently on the Marketplace, that specializes in just that one aspect of reporting.

With Better PDF Exporter for Jira Cloud, we are shipping a new PDF export option that calculates time in status metrics and includes a report in the exported PDF document.

A Time in Status report created with Better PDF Exporter for Jira Cloud

It visualizes on a clear, easy-to-understand set of charts how much time the exported issue spent in a given status. On top of this time value, the Time in Status section of this PDF document also gives you the details in a table format, listing what status changed to what status, at what time, and by whom.

Time Spent by Assignee report in Jira

Finding out the total time an assignee has spent on a Jira issue is also a "hot topic" when it comes to Jira reporting.

Create a Time Spent by Assignee report with Better PDF Exporter for Cloud

Similarly to Time in Status, you can customize your PDF template to calculate the overall time spent by assignees. When you export a Jira issue with Better PDF Exporter using the "Time by Assignee report" export option, the output PDF document contains the figures on colored charts and also in a table format.

Create your custom "Time in X" reports

The above custom Jira reports are good examples of what you can achieve with the reporting capabilities of Better PDF Exporter for Jira Cloud. The app comes with a report template called "Time by X report", where the "X" stands for pretty much any Jira system field or custom field that you want to report on.

In the previous examples, it’s Time in Status and Time by Assignee, but you can make this template smarter and report on any key metrics that matters to your team or business. Better PDF Exporter creates a graphical chart calculated from the changes of any Jira custom field you want.

Export Jira issues with sub-tasks

Exporting a single issue is one of the most common uses cases for Jira exporting, but a single parent issue often has sub-tasks. Better PDF Exporter for Jira Cloud brings a new, dedicated export option, called "PDF (Detailed sub-tasks)" that exports the parent issue and also includes all sub-tasks in the output PDF document.

A parent issue with its sub-tasks' details

We heard from our Support Team that exporting sub-tasks was a very frequent need for many users of Better PDF Exporter. Previously, we instructed or helped our customers to customize their templates to achieve a desired PDF output. Now this export option comes built-in for the cloud app version and soon it will arrive to server as well. It will work out-of-the-box, no customization needed!

Custom traceability reports

Issue links in Jira create an association between two existing issues. This feature helps you track issues that are duplicates of each other, block or otherwise refer to each other. Jira offers a number of these links by default, but you can create your own link types as well.

If your team uses issue links systematically, over time you may end up with a lot of these connections, that are hard or impossible to look through. The "Traceability report" that comes with Better PDF Exporter Cloud gives you a PDF export option, that clearly lists all connections between the exported issues. By visualizing the connections, you can quickly understand how are your issues connected and how deeply do they depend on each other.

Traceability Report showing linked issues in max. distance of 4

Okay, what about Jira Server and Jira Data Center users?

Good news for Jira Server users is that these Jira PDF export options are coming to the server version, as well!


These new export options mean that Better PDF Exporter brings even more ready-to-use PDF exporting and reporting to Jira Cloud, that require no customization of template files.

Grab the new Better PDF Exporter for Jira Cloud and export professional reports from Jira Cloud!

Start your Better PDF Exporter Cloud trial now!


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