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Sending a Zoom message about a new changeset

Zoom is a chat and video conferencing software known for its ease-of-use and fit for many use cases. Zoom is available in a free, limited-feature version for personal use and in a full-feature version for businesses.

This automation sends a notification message to a Zoom chat about the changeset after that has been accepted by the repository:

The message content can be freely customized, allowing you to post anything from short summaries to longer details.


  1. Install the Incoming Webhook app to Zoom (developed by the Zoom team) from the Zoom App Marketplace.
  2. Start the Zoom client app.
  3. Go to the chat that you want to use to receive messages from Jira, or create a new channel under ContactsChannels.
  4. Enter the following command into the chat (just type it as a message):
    /inc connect Better DevOps Automation for Jira
  5. The Incoming Webhook app (under Apps) should display a message with the connection details. You will need the Endpoint and Verification Token later.
  6. Login to Jira as admin, go to AdministrationSystemAutomation rules.
  7. Click Create rule.
  8. Select the trigger Changeset accepted (from the DevOps category).
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Add component and select New condition.
  11. Select the condition Advanced compare condition.
    1. Enter {{devops.changeset.commits.size}} to the First value field.
    2. Choose the does not equal option from the Condition dropdown.
    3. Enter "0" to the Second value field.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click New action.
  14. Select the action Send web request.
    1. Enter the Webhook URL as:
      Replace <YOUR_ZOOM_CHANNEL_ENDPOINT> with the actual value at Endpoint. Don't forget to append ?format=full to the URL!
    2. Add a header with the name "Authorization" and with the value of the Verification Token.
    3. Add a second header with the name "Content-Type" and with the value of "application/json".
    4. Choose POST as HTTP method.
    5. Choose Custom data as Webhook body.
    6. Enter the following JSON string as data:
        "is_markdown_support": true,
        "content": {
          "head": {
            "text": "[DEVOPS] {{devops.changeset.commits.size}} new commit{{#devops.changeset.commits}}{{^first}}{{#last}}s{{/}}{{/}}{{/}}{{^devops.changeset.commits}}s{{/}} in {{devops.changeset.repositoryId.jsonEncode}}"
          "body": [{
            "type": "message",
            "text": "{{#issues.size}}*{{issues.size}} issue{{#issues}}{{^first}}{{#last}}s{{/}}{{/}}{{/}}{{^issues}}s{{/}}* linked:{{/}}{{^issues.size}}No issues linked.{{/}}{{#issues}}\n<{{url}}|{{key}}> {{summary.jsonEncode}}{{/}}{{#devops.changeset.commits}}\n\n—————\n\nCommit: *#{{id}}* · Branch: *{{branch.jsonEncode}}* · Author: *{{author.jsonEncode}}*\n\n>{{message.replace("\n","\n>").jsonEncode}}\n\n*{{files.size}} file{{#files}}{{^first}}{{#last}}s{{/}}{{/}}{{/}}{{^files}}s{{/}}* changed:{{#files}}\n`{{action.label}}` {{path.jsonEncode}}{{/}}{{/}}"
      • You can use the Zoom markdown syntax here.
      • Those smart values that can contain JSON-unsafe characters should be JSON-encoded with .jsonEncode.
    7. Validate your settings in the Validate your webhook configuration section below. It will send a notification if the configuration is valid.
      Tip: if the URL contains smart values (variables), replace those with actual values (constants) for the time of the validation, then revert to the smart values after the configuration was successfully validated.
  15. Click Save.
  16. Name your automation rule intuitively, and click Turn it on.

Read more about the Chatbot configuration.


  1. Create a commit in your repository with this message:
    Implement the FOO-1 feature.
  2. Then another with this:
    Fix the FOO-2 and FOO-3 bugs.
  3. A Zoom message will be sent to the selected chat with the linked issue list and the commit details.


If you don't get the expected results:

  1. See the general troubleshooting steps.


Ask us any time.