In this page

Get started

This page contains the basics of configuring Excel automation on the Jira Data Center platform. If you're about to create your first Excel automation rule, we recommend the following learning path:

  1. Learn the key concepts and basics of Jira Data Center automation.
  2. Configure your first Excel automation rule.
  3. Study the configuration reference for the complete list of configuration options.

Let's get started!

Configure Excel automation rules

See the step-by-step guides for specific automations:

  1. Send Excel spreadsheets automatically
  2. Save Excel spreadsheets automatically
  3. Attach Excel spreadsheets automatically

Advanced topics

This section contains advanced topics generally applicable to all Excel automations.

Excel automation in Jira clusters

Better Excel Automation for Jira Data Center enables automation in multi-node Jira clusters.

The execution model is simple: automation rules will be executed on exactly one node in the cluster. (This is guaranteed by Automation Lite for Jira.)

The resulted behavior is:

  • Send Excel action: One email will be sent from the cluster (not one per node!). This is exactly what you want.
  • Save Excel action: The file will be saved by one node. If the file is written to the node's local non-replicating filesystem, then the file will not automatically appear on other nodes. If output file replication is a requirement, you should use an output directory that is replicated among the clusters on a filesystem level. This is out of the scope of Jira Data Center and the Better Excel Automation for Jira Data Center.
  • Attach Excel action: The attachment will be created on one node, but that will then be automatically replicated to all other nodes. The replication itself is the responsibility of Jira Data Center (not the Better Excel Automation for Jira Data Center).

Generally speaking: Better Excel Automation for Jira Data Center works perfectly with Jira Data Center.


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