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This page collects various articles that demonstrate how to use Better PDF Automation for Jira Cloud for the best results. Most reads are about 5 minutes.

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The articles in this section include useful guides for frequent use cases, case studies contributed by power-users, integration how-to's, and practical tips to solve concrete business problems.

The complete guide to archiving Jira issues [2020]

Native project archiving only exists in Jira Software Data Center (from version 7.10), and as a premium feature on Jira Cloud. Regardless of which deployment options you are using, there are still a number of ways to declutter Jira and free up some performance capacity. Read on to get a comprehensive summary of Jira issue and project archiving options.

3 steps to create and email automated release notes in Jira

We dive into the topic of automatic generation and emailing of release notes from Jira. In this article, we clarify what release notes are in Jira and how you can use templates to generate yours. We also give you a quick guide on how to use Automation for Jira and Better PDF Automation together to automate the exporting and emailing of release notes after every version release.

Export Jira worklogs to stunning PDF docs

Exporting Jira worklogs to PDF or creating a Jira timesheet report is not a one-fits-all operation. Your document requirements and exporting needs will differ from others. Read along to learn how to put the built-in Jira worklogs, or Tempo Timesheets-managed time tracking data into PDF documents that fit your needs.