
Installing the app

You can easily install the Better Excel Exporter for Jira Server app using the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) that is built into Jira.

Although you can install it in two different ways, we highly recommend the first approach for your convenience. You should use the second approach only if the server that hosts your Jira instance has no access to the Atlassian Marketplace, i.e. when the direct communication between those is not possible.

Installing directly from Atlassian Marketplace
  1. Login to Jira as administrator, go to Jira Administration → Add-ons → Find new add-ons and search for the term "better excel exporter".
  2. Click Install at the entry of "Better Excel Exporter for Jira" in the search results.
  3. Click Manage add-ons in the left and check whether "Better Excel Exporter for Jira" is visible in the User-installed add-ons list, and whether it is enabled.
Installing by uploading the app JAR
  1. Download the app JAR from its version history page at Atlassian Marketplace. Make sure that you download the app version which is marked compatible with your Jira Server version.
  2. Login to Jira as administrator, go to Jira Administration → Add-ons → Manage add-ons and click Upload add-on in the right.
  3. Click Browse, select the better-excel-exporter-for-jira-x.y.z.jar that you just downloaded, and upload it.
  4. Check whether "Better Excel Exporter for Jira" is visible in the User-installed add-ons list, and whether it is enabled.