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What is Insight?

(supported since Better PDF Exporter 5.9.0)

Insight is the leading asset management app for Jira, that allows implementing CMDB, CRM, HR, ITSM or ITIL functionality on the Jira platform.

Insight integration features

  • You can export all Insight-managed custom field types like Insight Object (single select), Insight Object (multi select), Insight Object/s (since app version 6.4.0), Insight Referenced Object (single select), Insight Referenced Object (multi select) and Insight Object (read only) to PDF.
  • You can configure the export format to include object names (e.g. "My awesome server"), object keys (e.g. "My awesome server [SRVR-123]"), object attributes (e.g. "My awesome server [SRVR-123] (Manufacturer=Cray Research, Vector Processors=4, Type=Supercomputer)") and any combination of these.

(Need more features? Tell us in a support ticket!)

Insight integration vs. the Insight built-in PDF exports

You may want to ask: if Insight has a built-in PDF export feature, why would you use another app for the same?

While the Insight built-in PDF exports may be sufficient for basic use cases, the Better PDF Exporter integration is more powerful in, at least, these:

If at least one of these is important for you, give the app a try.

Tutorial video

Watch this short introductory video to see how fast you can export your Insight data to PDF!

Insight PDF export samples

Jira issue with Insight objects

This straightforward PDF document (created using the default issue-fo.vm template) contains a single Jira issue with two Insight custom fields. In addition to object names and keys, attributes are exported as comma-separated name-value pairs in brackets (the format is completely customizable).


Jira issue list with Insight objects

Insight custom fields (see the 2 rightmost columns) are also supported when bulk-exporting Jira issues to a table in a PDF document. In this example, attributes are turned off for a more compact content.



Configuring the Insight custom fields

There is nothing to do. Better PDF Exporter will automatically recognize the Insight-managed fields and export them accordingly.

Configuring the export format for the Insight custom fields

You can flexibly configure what Insight object properties are exported and in what format in the issue-fo.vm and issue-navigator-fo.vm templates.

The default behavior is that object names and object keys will be exported (e.g. "My awesome server [SRVR-123]"). You can include object name, object key and attributes by setting these configuration variables in the top part of the template:

## Insight
#set($exportInsightObjectNames = true) ## set to "true" to export Insight object names
#set($exportInsightObjectKeys = true) ## set to "true" to export Insight object keys
#set($exportInsightObjectAttributes = false) ## set to "true" to export Insight object attributes

If you want full control over the export format, look at the Velocity macro definition marked with this comment in the template:

## Insight custom field types
## ...

Note: you can absolutely use different export formats in the different templates, as issue-fo.vm typically has more space for the object details.

Learn more about Insight