Export Jira reports with statistics for projects

The project-report-fo.vm helps to create an executive level status report with visual Key Performance Indicators (KPI) like Schedule, Costs and Risk in the cover page and with precise issue lists in the other pages. You can freely customize this PDF template to your own KPI's, and then make the report generation automatic for a simple project progress tracking solution.

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Jira project status report - On schedule

In this PDF report sample, there is one unsolved issue in the Highest priority, meaning risk and therefore turning the overall report to "Yellow exclamation mark" status. Other constraints are met.


Jira project status report - Off schedule

Several KPI's turned to yellow and red: no tasks are completed in the last week, project status is behind schedule (due to the 3 overdue issues) and there are risks (4 unsolved highest-priority issue). The red-yellow-green coding helps to identify the problems intuitively.
