Export Gantt charts from Jira

Gantt charts are popular data representation tools in practical project management. The gantt-chart-fo.vm template exports Gantt charts from Jira epics, sprints or any list of Jira issues to PDF.

The report visualizes project schedules by displaying Jira issues as horizontal bars, along with their start and end-dates. These sample PDFs are Gantt charts created from Jira tasks with a single click.

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Weekly Gantt chart Jira report

This Gantt chart was generated using Jira tasks and subtasks, with their bars colored by the corresponding priority color. This Jira Gantt chart PDF export was exported in "week" resolution. The current week is also marked.


Daily Gantt chart Jira report

Similar to the previous PDF export, but this Gantt chart is in "day" resolution for shorter projects. Weekend days are also marked.
