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What is the Content Status Overview report?

The Content Status Overview dashboard shows the number of pages and blog posts by status and space, helping you quickly identify outdated content. It's the ideal tool for prioritizing updates and rewrites, ensuring your content stays current, relevant, and valuable to users.

Like other dashboards, it converts massive data sets on spaces, pages, blogs and user activities into clear summaries:

  • You can gain insights about the "up-to-date-ness", usefulness, and relevance of your content.
  • You can view the current status of your pages and blogs in an easy-to-understand table format.
  • You can browse the list of pages and blog posts by space and status.
  • You can effectively report on even thousands of spaces.


The Content Status Overview report is available for the whole Confluence site and for any single space.

Content Status Overview report for the site

For the site scope report, go to the Apps menu in the top → Better Content ArchivingStatus overview tab. In this scope, the report covers all spaces, all contents and all activities on the site.

The report displays all statuses that are part of the content status schemes applied to at least one space. When a status is not defined for a space, the corresponding cell is empty.

Content Status Overview report for a space

For the space scope report, go to the space → Better Content Archiving link on the space's left-bar → Status overview tab. In this scope, the report covers only that single space, the contents and the activities in it.

The report displays only those statuses that are added to the content status scheme applied to this space.

Understand the content status overview

The content status overview shows the list of global and personal spaces in the rows. They are distinguished by an icon before the space name: building (global space) vs person (personal space).

The statuses in the columns are defined by the active content status scheme for the space. When you first install the app, a default content status scheme is in effect, and you see metrics calculated based on that.

The following metrics are displayed in the table:

  • Contents: Number of contents (pages, blogs) in the space.
  • Tracked: A percentage of currently what portion of all contents are processed by the app. It should normally be 100%, but...
  • Status column: Number of contents in the status and its percentage to all contents in the space.

Click on the counts to see the list of the contents in that space and status:

Work with the content status overview

The content status overview is feature-rich, but intuitive to use even if you have a larger Confluence site.

If you have a large number of spaces, you can walk through the table using the pager controls at the bottom. A single page contains at most 50 spaces. The spaces are ordered alphabetically by default.

You can see the total number of the spaces you can view at the bottom of the page. When you apply filters, the table itself and the space count will reflect the filtered space list, and the pager will jump to the first page.

Filter the content status overview

In site scope, you can find controls above the table to filter the spaces. It is useful when you search for one particular space and also when you want to narrow your view to a subset of spaces.

  • You can filter the spaces by the content status scheme and the notification scheme applied to them. If you choose multiple schemes, then all spaces that match at least one will be shown.
  • You can also filter spaces by their name and keys. If you enter "cust", then all spaces that have this text in their names or keys will be shown.

Finally, there is a 3-state selector to choose whether the metrics should be calculated for pages only, for blog posts only or both.


The Content Status Overview dashboard is available for all users. The dashboard respects the Confluence space permissions and page restrictions.

More precisely:

  • If you don't have permission to view a space, it will not be listed.
  • If you don't have permission to view a content (page or blog post), it will not contribute to the status counts.

As the dashboard is personalized for the user who opens it, your dashboard view and your teammate's may be different.


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