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Administer the Better Content Archiving for Confluence Cloud app

To access the global configuration settings of the app, go to Confluence Settings (cog icon "⚙" in the top right) → AppsBetter Content Archiving.

The following options are available in the Administration panel:

  1. Global settings provide configuration options that apply to the app globally. These settings are not associated with specific spaces, schemes, or similar contexts.
  2. Exclude spaces allows selecting the spaces that app should not process. These will be removed from content status overview, notifications, and automation processes.
  3. Integrity checks offers a set of built-in integrity checks for validating the app's configuration. The checks detect the most common problems and provide hints for how to fix them.
  4. App space permissions helps detect and grant missing space permissions to the app user. It is a convenience feature for fixing problems caused by insufficient permissions.


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