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What is the Content Status report?

The Content Status Report dashboard offers key performance indicators (KPIs) and insights into the current state of your Confluence content, whether across the entire site or within specific spaces. It also monitors how content status evolves over time, helping you identify trends and areas for improvement. Guided by the principle that "you can't manage what you can't measure", this dashboard serves as an essential tool for tracking content quality and making data-driven improvements.

Like other dashboards, it converts massive data sets on spaces, pages, blogs and user activities into clear summaries:

  • You can view the trend of content quality changes on the site or in the space.
  • You can view the number and percentage of pages and blog posts by status on the site or in the space.
  • You can browse the list of pages and blog posts by status.


The Content Status Report report is available for the whole Confluence site and for any single space.

Content Status Report report for the site

For the site scope report, go to the Apps menu in the top → Better Content ArchivingStatus report tab. In this scope, the report covers all spaces, all contents and all activities on the site.

The gadgets display all statuses that are part of the content status schemes applied to at least one space.

Content Status Report report for a space

For the space scope report, go to the space → Better Content Archiving link on the space's left-bar → Status report tab. In this scope, the report covers only that single space, the contents and the activities in it.

The gadgets display only those statuses that are added to the content status scheme applied to this space.

Understand the Content Status report

The following section helps you understand the Content Status report report by explaining each gadget.

Gadget Description Notes
Content status history The stacked area chart shows how the number of contents by status changes over time. Hovering over the chart will reveal the number of contents by status on any given day.
(There is one data point per day.)
Assuming you use intuitive colors, such as red for "bad" statuses and green for "good" ones, large (and especially growing) areas of red indicate a high number of contents that needs action. Similarly, large (and growing) areas of green confirm that your content is of good quality.
Content status distribution Displays the percentage of contents by status. You can click the percentage values to see the list of the pages and blogs in that status.
The ring chart visualizes the ratios of different statuses relative to each other.
(The sections on the chart are ordered in decreasing size, starting from the 12 o'clock position.)
A "bad" page status in the initial sections indicates a high percentage of contents that needs action.
Content status count Displays the number of contents by status. You can click the number values to see the list of the pages and blogs in that status.
The bar chart visualizes the count (frequency) of different statuses in comparison to each other.
(The bars on the chart are ordered in decreasing size.)
A "bad" status among the top bars indicates a high number of contents that needs action.


The Content Status Report dashboard is available for all users. The dashboard respects the Confluence space permissions and page restrictions.

More precisely:

  • If you don't have permission to view a space, it will not be listed.
  • If you don't have permission to view a content (page or blog post), it will not contribute to the status counts.

As the dashboard is personalized for the user who opens it, your dashboard view and your teammate's may be different.


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